Five years
173 schools
4,415 students
221 RBC volunteers
Thanks to the invaluable support of the Royal Bank of Canada (RBC), and funders CVC Foundation, John Lyon’s Charity and The HW Sanderson Art in Industry Fund, we’re delighted to run Take the Lead for a fifth year. Take the Lead is one of our Education and Community projects that gives year 11–13 students from state schools the opportunity to learn core employability skills through drama and theatre techniques.
Author The Old Vic
Published 23/01/2023
Exploring communication, self-management, self-belief, teamwork and problem solving, the participants leave with a practical toolkit to develop these skills and apply them to their own experiences. Students also receive free tickets to see a show at The Old Vic, with 88% of participants in the first four years of Take the Lead having never visited us before.

Take the Lead alumni have used the skills they’ve gained from the programme to support their journeys into higher education, or employment across a range of industries, and we continue to keep in touch with them to hear about their progress.
2023 participants will take part in a launch event, workshops at their schools as well as networking sessions at RBC’s London office. They’ll also hear from leading voices from across the arts and business industry who will share their own career journeys – and notably the importance of wellbeing and self-esteem. Teachers at participating schools will also receive training to learn how to support their students with their next steps.

Throughout the 2023 programme, we’ll be sharing more about what Take the Lead means for participants, the importance of employability skills in our Education and Community work, and how future developments at The Old Vic will allow us to help more students and young people get ahead in a career.
RBC employees will also be sharing more of their career experience on The Hub, our newly launched online resource. Whether it’s advice on how to craft your CV, prepare for an interview, networking tips, or wider career-related help, The Hub can help you on your path to employment.
None of this would be possible without the ongoing support of our Principal Partner, Royal Bank of Canada.