We are all part of making this theatre a welcoming, inspiring and inclusive space
Anyone who visits or works at The Old Vic is engaged in a culture that values care and compassion for others and has a responsibility to ensure that a great experience is had by all.
Discriminatory remarks, attitudes or behaviour — racist, homophobic, sexist etc. — towards any group or characteristic at The Old Vic are not acceptable. We are all part of making this theatre a welcoming, inspiring and inclusive space where everyone feels they belong.
As guests, employees, visiting performers or artists, and patrons of The Old Vic, we are all responsible for our behaviour and actions within the space. We are all accountable for how we speak or act and should consider at all times how those actions might be affecting other people around us.
If you experience, or witness, a negative or discriminatory interaction here, let any member of staff know and we will take action. Speak to a member of the Front of House or Box Office team, to the Front of House Duty Manager or Bar Manager, email feedback@oldvictheatre.com or submit a complaint via Contact Us.